Bacon Wrapped Donuts – Doinks

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Bacon Wrapped Donuts – Doinks

  • Total Time: 40 mins
  • Yield: 6 1x


  • 1 Slab of Bacon
  • 1 Bottle of your favorite SYD Rub
  • Optional: 1 Bottle of your favorite SYD BBQ Sauce, caramel sauce, or chocolate sauce


  1. Wrap your fav sweet treat with bacon
  2. Apply some of your fav rub
  3. Cook in oven or pit until bacon is done to your liking
  4. Brush on your fav caramel sauce, chocolate sauce, or BBQ sauce
  • Author: Harry Soo
  • Prep Time: 20 mins
  • Cook Time: 20 mins
  • Category: Appetizer
  • Cuisine: American